In depth


Strengthening Citizenship Partnership

UNDP supports initiatives to strengthen meaningful citizen participation to ensure the voices of the communities are considered. Efforts are made to tap the potential of civil society to tackle the challenges face by the society through social entrepreneurship and innovation.  With the aim to support provide opportunities to individuals to create change they seek for themselves, a great emphasis is placed on providing platforms where citizens and experts are brought together to create both tech based and non-tech based innovations addressing issues faced by the society.

Strengthening Environment Resilience

Maldives being the world’s flattest country an average ground level of 1.5m,
is one of the most vulnerable nations to effects of climate change. UNDP Maldives seeks to incorporate latest technology and innovative solutions in the work towards climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Innovation is key to ensure that no one is left behind especially in their most defenseless times as in the case of disasters. It is also significant in understanding the vulnerability and ensure resilience of islands. In this regard, local solutions which have small but sustainable global impacts are promoted through various projects and initiatives.